An Independent homeschool family
center for quality learning

A respectful and trusting
environment where kids can learn

A wide array of creative, hands-on
activities that educate and inspire.

Our Guiding Values


Our families report that their reason for home educating is freedom: to have flexible schedules, teach within their beliefs, and to be themselves.


All families and students are respected for their individual talents and choices. This is a guiding value in our community.


We offer non-core electives, and strive for high quality experiences in all of our learning activities. We encourage all students to engage at their highest level.

The Discovery Center Home School Partnership is a program of The Public Schools of Calumet, Laurium & Keweenaw and is available to all students residing within Copper Country Intermediate School District. All classes in the partnership, the traditional school, K12 and Upper Peninsula Virtual Academy are available to all students enrolled with The Public Schools of Calumet, Laurium & Keweenaw.

Our Team


Brian Rajdl

A nature enthusiast, wilderness adventurer, guide and mentor. Brian’s path in life is to teach and mentor students and adults about the diverse wonders of our natural world, opening pathways for others to safely…

Heaven Hawkins

Hello all, I am Heaven Hawkins. I will be the new administrative assistant, please come to me with questions, concerns or a friendly conversation! Being someone who has attended and thrived in…

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